Well friends, after many years of rewrites, editing, proofreading and searching for publishers, the big day is finally drawing near. I'm very pleased to announce the launch party for my second book, Raw, will be held at the University of Newcastle's Hunter St Campus at 5:30pm on 10 November 2023. You can find the Eventbrite link here. The book will also be available for order from November 1 from wherever you normally get books from, but for those of you able to attend the launch, signed copies will be available for purchase.
Its been an incredible journey both writing the memoir, and living the life behind it of course. Reading the stories of others has always helped me during my darkest times, and now I hope my story can also help inspire others, or at least provide some entertainment if nothing else.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but between organising this, my PhD, editing Paper Chained magazine (issue 11 now available from the website), lobbying for better healthcare in prisons and the other projects I'm working on, there hasn't been time for much else. Quite frankly, I'm finding it hard enough just to turn up to all the things I'm involved with, let alone write about them. I'm currently in the stages of curating a major prison art exhibition next year, plus I'm currently involved in a feature-length filming project. More details about both of those will be given in time.