Grow Where You’re Planted interviewed me about prison, quarantine and my novel. You can listen to the podcast here on Spotify.
I’ve also been given a profile on the Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) website featuring authors who are available to be booked for online events. If you’d like to book me for a live or pre-recorded interview regarding crime fiction, the prison system, memoirs or any other topic, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can check out my profile on the ALIA website here.
Things have been going well for me as the world returns to a sense of normality. I’m still waiting for the university semester to formally end so I can apply to graduate, but the great news is I’ve almost finished the first draft of my autobiography. It should be done in a week or so, though don’t expect it to be on shelves anytime soon. As I can tell you from experience the publishing process is long and arduous. Updates will be posted here as always.