The launch of Loud Sky could not have gone better. My latest art exhibition, which focuses on sharing the stories of survivors of institutional childhood abuse, will be on display until May 21st at The LockUp, and also features the works of four other artists from Newcastle. If you're in the area, make sure to check it out.
The exhibition launched on Friday the 31st of March, and was followed the next day by a talk at the Newcastle Writers Festival, regarding the power of art to heal from traumatic events. Pictured is me speaking with one of my artworks from Loud Sky on the screen behind me. A recording of the event will be made available by the festival at some point in the hopefully not-too-distant future.
While it was an incredibly busy and rewarding couple of days, the rest of April should be fairly quiet for me as I go back into full PhD mode. Stay tuned for some big international news in May though.