It's going to be several weeks of firsts for me. Last night I was the guest of honour at a local book club meeting (pictured). The club had selected Scarred as their book of the month and asked me to come and talk about the experience of writing it, which was a very new and rewarding experience for me. And later this month I've been booked for my first public book signing event.
I’ll actually be in two Harry Hartog stores on Sunday the 29th of March. From 10:30am till 11:30 I’ll be signing copies of Scarred at their Kotara store, and then from 12:30pm till 1:30 I’ll be signing copies at their Green Hills branch. Come along if you’d like to buy a signed copy, get your existing copy signed, or just say hi and ask me some questions. If you can’t make it, you’ll still be able to catch me at my first public talk about my novel at the Newcastle Writer’s Festival on April 4th.