Being a parent is never easy, or so all my friends with kids keep telling me :). But imagine being a parent from prison, with extremely limited time to talk to your children on the phone or have them visit you. The charity Read Along Dads (RAD) has an initiative to help with rehabilitation, by connecting families in prison with their loved ones and encouraging literacy skills among children (and sometimes the inmate!) at the same time.
RAD records inmates reading bedtime stories, then sends both the recording and a copy of the book to the inmate's child. Children can then read along and listen to their parent's voice at the same time. RAD now operates in two Victorian prisons, has worked with over 600 inmates and has helped make over 1,300 recordings.
Learn more by visiting the website, where you can also get in touch about making a donation. You can read coverage of RAD's work by News.com.au here.