Well I did promise there would be more. I wrote my next opinion piece for 10 daily as soon as uni break hit, submitting it the day before I went on vacation to the Northern Territory. There wasn't a lot of reception at Kakadu or some of the other places I visited, and anyway, I tried to avoid the internet as much as possible while I was there, so it was a pleasant surprise to come home and discover the article was accepted and published.
This one is on prison education, or rather, the lack-thereof in the system. Have a read of the article here. I'm not sure if I'll write another one anytime soon. I only have so many interesting prison experiences that I can segue into an opinion piece. Plus I'm currently a bit swamped putting the final touches on my novel, which I'm pleased to announce, has been accepted by an independent traditional publisher and is on track to be published later this year. Watch this space folks.
Update: A journalist from Eureka Street cites my article in her own piece on prison education in October 2019. Check that out here.